Support and challenge to schools through flexible and tailored support packages which can include support for senior leaders, provision of CPD or coaching
Climate for Learning Coaching Programme
Our Climate for Learning Coaching Programme can help you to:
Develop consistent strategies and routines for learning in order to achieve improvements in the classroom climate
Coach middle leaders to deliver a coaching model
Coach individual staff
Develop a goal attainment scale
We can help you to develop and implement a parental engagement strategy to
embed parental engagement work into strategic and operational planning
There is compelling evidence of the impact of parental engagement and positive association on:
Raised achievement
Raised self-esteem
Increased motivation and engagement
Improved behaviour
Increased attendance
Better emotional adjustment
Greater well-being
In order to raise aspirations and build a strong community, parents must be the principal stakeholder
Leadership capacity
We can bring strength and capacity to the Senior Leadership Team when the need to improve rapidly is identified, using our experience and expertise to provide leaders with sustainable strategies, embedded routines and leadership coaching.
We can also develop and implement attendance strategy and systems to reduce absence and tackle the causes of persistent absenteeism.